Thursday, February 22, 2007

As You Like It, and other stuff!

Well, I went to see As You Like It at The Crucible the other day, and it was fuckin' immense! I didn't know the story at all, but with it being a Shakespeare RomCom I had resigned myself to the belief that it would be lovers running around in the forest. And it was!!! BUT IT WAS GREAT! Eve Best played Rosalind, and she was great! Spur of the moment "Please-Celia-Don't-Choke!" was fab too... Lifesaver, I say! And Lisa Dillon (as Celia!) was my absolute fave! She played it so well, and the weird thing was that all through the first half I was wondering what her voice reminded me of. And then, in the second half, it hit me: Bob from BlackAdder II!!!! She was soooo Kate/Bob it was untrue! And her voice was just brill. And her acting was brill too!
But I don't think any of them could have beat Christopher Ravenscroft's "Shakespeare Voice" --- he's obviously the king of all things Shakespeare (except William himself, of course!).

I can't wait to go to see The Cherry Orchard -- although I will say that the play itself was a bit "oh, is that it?" when I read it. And funny? I just don't get it. But who'd give up the chance to see Joanna Lumley live?! Not me, that's for sure! Woo Hoo!

I still want to go to London. Me and my Aunty have decided we're going to go. Will be fun. My Uncle is there at the moment, git! But it's ok because, if all goes to plan, I'll be living there soon enough! WOOOOOOO!

No biology lesson tomorrow, so the plan is: get the one and only Miss Green to sign me in for biology and free period; that way I can go squashing with Nug! I played tonight. I lost 3 games to 2 to Kate tonight. And I was angry. I don't like to lose. And I never do. I blame Coley because he was watching. Damned Nuggy!

I had omelette for tea. It was yummy. But then I had some cake, and it was baaaaaaaaad! For me that is. Well, actually, it wasn't even that tasty. :oS

My mum rang earlier too. She has a right go that I don't ring her enough (hello, ever thought to ring me?!) but then talks for like 10 minutes and is then all "You're boring me now!" WELL SCREW HER THEN!!!! And she's all "I've got a new phone" and I'm all "I don't even care, it's a gay phone and you suck". OK, I didn't use the word "suck", because I'm not American. But I still was unimpressed.

I'm going to go now, because I've blathered on long enough, and I have a life. Well -- I'm watching Skins in a bit anyway!


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

First Draft: Done!

I may have been an uber-nerd all day, but I've done soooo much work. I lived in the library, and in doing so managed to finish the first draft of my English Lit coursework (yeah mate!), several graphs and tables for biology, and, best of all, I did it all in a day! Which means now I've got a bit of time to chill.

So it's Shrove Tuesday. That means pancakes. As everyone should know, I am a master of pancakes! As is Becky Hayes. We rock at it. But we won't be reuniting today to flip some mega-good pancakes, because I have more work to do! But I've just finished my essay for the Lackster, so all could still, conceivably, be go! Fingers crossed people.

I'm not really getting the Biology we're doing at the moment. I just tried to do the sheets we got given today, and gave up promptly. Will have to ask tomorrow. I've just thought: I've not done and OU for a while. Perhaps I ought to? So's not to get too behind and all! But it's OK, me and Hope have got a plan.

My throat hurts a bit today. I bought some Strepsils, but they made my tongue numb, not my throat. Fat load of good that did. Gay.

I'm going to go now. I feel suddenly bored and in need of doing something more useful with my time!

(I can't stop saying "I love it" in a spaz accent. Sorry!)

Monday, February 19, 2007


Well, after a brief spell on MySpace, I'm returning to my former glory on Blog Spot. I spent to much time faffing around on MySpace, leaving comments and looking at peoples pictures and stuff, when all I really needed it for was to empty my head. So I'm back, baby, yeah!

I've got past the whole "I want to be a doctor and study medicine" stage now that I've realised that I don't like chemistry and that I love English Lit. So that's sorted. I've decided to quit the "Nursing Home Crew" because I need more time to do my work, and also the old people scared me. Honestly.

I'm sat now, having done soooo much work on my English since being relinquished from the powers of MySpace just hours ago. I'm over 1,200 words, and we're starting to discern some structure, which is a bonus. Bring on Henry IV, Part 1 coursework draft hand in deadline... I'll be ready for you! Hahaha!

I'm umming and ahhing over what to do for my birthday with Becky at the moment. I don't want anything big, but I want lots of presents: dilemma or what?! Any suggestions welcome; I just want to do something that's fun!

I'm listening to my own lil' mix of tunes at the moment, but earlier I was listening to opera. How gay is that!? Anyway. I'm going to go and get on with my work, because I've still got Biology Coursework to crack on with, and The Simple Life is on at 11.10!!

Who's excited? Raise yo' hands! haha!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


So angry. I HATE MR PICKLES. It's not even like he's done anything majorly wrong. Just that his head looks like an egg and he yelled at me today for "not making up my mind" and crossing the zebra crossing to go out of school only to come back across it and go back in again. It's not my fault that I forgot something. It's not like I'd choose to go back into school for no reason is it? IS IT PICKLES?! I think it's just men in general today to be honest. Good job seconds before I'd embarked upon lesbianismhood with Steffi (woo, men suck). I think it's just one of those days. Or weeks, I guess. But GRR anyway: GRRR!

My day has slightly brightened since I got in. My mate told me about a video from our cadet group being on Google Videos so I checked it out, and sure enough, there it was: Car Ambush. That just cheered me up no end! Poor old Schoey getting the shock of his life. I'd crap myself too if I woke up with rifles pointing in my face! Bored now. Need to fond something to do. Eat maybe. Yes, eat! Ciao!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Home from pensioner city

So, I want to get into a good Uni. A great one even. So they look for something besides a string of A's. Volunteer work perhaps?! So volunteer work it is! And where better than the Retirement Home right across from school? Where better indeed. If you haven't hand fed an old lady sandwiches before.. don't! Its vile! They dribble and stuff.. and then there's Rose who just sits there and demands Weetabix. Good luck Rose. Plus one lady gave me and companion a lecture on how you shouldn't be a Jehovah's Witness. Old people are so opinionated! But I finally got away, cause the whole time all I really wanted was to get my homework done (Loser!) and get in the bath with a book. (Loser again!) I can't wait for my first swapped book to arrive... It's gonna be great! Anyhoo.. onto matters more serious...

For the sexond day in a row now its stew for tea. I dont mind. I like stew. I could even stretch to say I love it. But I know at the moment that it's what I'm having tomorrow aswell, and that thought is just upsetting me. Stupid dad and his stupid "I'll make a big fat ass pot of the stuff and then we can live off it forever". It just doesn't work like that. I dont even care that tomorrow we're having it with garlic mash - and i LOVE garlic mash. It's not fair. What happened to a varied diet for heavens sake?!?! Anyway.. I'm going to munch my way through this slush and see if I turn into stew: testing out Gillian's "You are what you eat" theory you see...!

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Ok, call me sad, but I just found Read It-Swap It. Its this amazing website where you can swap books with people and not actually pay for them.. Obviously you have to pay postage, other wise you would have to just throw it to the person, and that wouldn't work now would it!?
Well, anyway, I have 4 books on swappability already! And I really really really can't wait to get more. Such a little bargain hunter. And don't worry, I've had an L shape on my forehead while I typed this... Good luck swapping peoples of the UK!

Need to Rant!

Not done for the day.. just had a horrific incident with a virus... My good friend Ashleigh the Chav happened to send me a message and me, being the blonde I am, clicked on the link and BOOM...Bob's your Uncle, Fanny's your Aunt.. VIRUS CENTRAL. It kept taking over my MSN and sending millions of its own little "click me" messages to everyone on my list! What a little shit! And so now, having System Restored on the advice of my beautiful friend Alexio, im up and running, but being the arse I am I didnt save my essay before I restored, so I've got to do that whole paragraph AGAIN. Its just one of those days where you seriously doubt life. GRRRR! GRR GRR GRR and GRR some more. Wankness.