Sunday, October 08, 2006

Celebrating the 90's.. (Much better than the Naughties!)

I personally, for I have the power, am going to make today 90's appreciation day. So, from now on, the 8th of the month (surely the 9th would have been more appropriate but I'm rebelling!) will be 90's Appreciation Day!!! Yay! So, here goes, the first ever monthly 90's Appreciation Day.. Lets do it!

Nostalgia is todays feeling! Got an email today that made me realise how crap life is at the moment. I mean, no Spice Girls, no B*Witched, no My Little Pony (and I mean the properly good old school stuff, where they rode on rainbows and stuff.. classic)!! What is the world coming to...!? Kids these days (listen to me sounding like a right old git, at the mere age of 16!!!) don't seem to do anything worth doing. I used to play in the park every day after school when I was in the good old junior school <-- check it out, it was GREAT! Kracken's Lair was the shit. I had playing out trainers - salute to the trainers, you could never wear your school trainers to play out in, god forbid they get a bit mucky (plus you used to stop your bike with your toes instead of the breaks, just because it was the "in thing", so they'd have holes in the ends)! Anyhoo... The nineties were great, and so back to my original point, I got this email this morning from my good friend Daniel, picking up the key points of being a "Child of the Nineties" -- you get these kids who were born in like 1995 who think they were children of the nineties... NOT TRUE. Here's the definitive checklist...

You know you're a 90's kid if...
You can sing the rap to "The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air"
You've worn skorts and felt stylish
You yearned to be part of the Baby-Sitters club
You use to love playing with your My Little Pet Shop
You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.
You wore a ponytail on the side of your head and had fluffed bangs
You remember reading "Goosebumps" -- and being scared shitless might I add...
You know the profound meaning of "Wax on, wax off"
You have pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf
You took plastic cartoon lunch boxes to school (mine was pink and had Snow White on - with matching flask, obviously!)
You remember the craze then the banning of slap bracelets and slam books.
You still get the urge to say "NOT" after (almost) everysentence...Not...
You knew that Kimberly, the pink ranger, and Tommy, the green Ranger were meant to be together.
You remember going to the skating hall (Dronfield Sports Centre, big up yourself!) before there were inline skates
You wore socks over leggings scrunched down
You remember boom boxes vs. cd players
You knew what it meant to say "Care Bear Stare"
You remember New Kids on The Block when they were cool
You knew all the characters names and their life stories on"Saved By The Bell"
You played and or collected "Pogs" -- I had a shiny Taz Pog and it was THE BEST!
You used to pretend to be a MIGHTY MORPHIN Power Ranger
You owned a Skip It -- the ball fell off the end of mine :-(
You had at least one GigaPet or Nano and brought it everywhere (and your mum managed to kill it at least twice.. GRRR!)
You watched the ORIGINAL Care Bears, My Little Pony, and NinjaTurtles
You remember when the new Beanie Babies were always sold out (still got about 200 in the loft *ashamed*)
You used to wear those stick on earings, not only on your ears,but at the corners of your eyes.
You've gotten creeped out by "Are You Afraid of the Dark?"
You thought it would be so cool to be Alex Mack.
You collected Pokemon cards, and watched the original show.
"Talk to the hand" ... enough said
You thought Brain woud finally take over the world.
2 words ... SPICE GIRLS

So there you have it.. A step down memory lane.. I mean, seriously, you just don't get some of that quality anymore. Some things that were around have made brief comebacks - I've seen some kids playing with Pokemon cards recently, but not in the same manic OMG I MUST HAVE EVERY SINGLE ONE AROUND way... And the Beenie Babies things, jesus! Incidently does anyone want to buy about 200 of the bloody things? They're cluttering up my loft!

Then there were individual school crazes.. Like my school for instance: we went through this phase of bringing playing cards to school and playing with them on the floor at break.. A great game called Slam (obviously, in the trend of all school crazes it got banned...) Let me know of anything else you lot played.. specially in the USA.. We only really had the perception of individual lockers and groups of barbies from your side of la pond.

Just an "aside" to say yes, ellipses are my friends, and yes I will continue to overuse them! I can't help it, it's just the way of life. Oh, and I spelt Labyrinth wrong yesterday, sorry to Miss Mosse! --- OH and why name a book Labyrinth, people are just going to assume its something to do with the fab 80's film and buy it for that reason.. WHAT A CON

Anyway.. I'm done for the day.. Mother dearest is coming to pick me up and we're going to do lunch.. How much of a grown-up am I?!?

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